Is it just us or do you ever feel as though you’re walking on a balance beam through life? The minute you focus on it, balance deserts you. You wobble, flail your arms about, picture the dizzying height below you and imagine the sensation of falling. Do you know the strategy that works best for you to recharge and restore your balance?

Finding balance can feel like a constant juggling act. The demands of our careers, family responsibilities, and personal aspirations often leave little room for rest and rejuvenation. Yet, we all know, achieving this balance between work, rest and play is not only crucial for our mental and physical wellbeing but also for our overall productivity and happiness. 

Our coaching experience tells us that balance is a truly personal and individual experience. So, too, are the activities we choose to recharge and refuel our tanks.  We share a common interest of Hiking as our chosen energy-refill. It’s an activity we can do alone or with friends and the cost is free! 

Hiking immerses us in nature, it allows us to disconnect from our daily tasks, breathe fresh air, and release stress via physical activity.  It is rejuvenating for both mind and body. There is something addictive in the rhythm of walking paired with the serene landscapes, occasional wildlife spotting and, for us, resets us with clarity and calm.  We draw different things from our hiking. It taps into our Top 10 strengths in different ways. Melissa leans into Intellection using thoughtful perspective from within and gaining energy from the meditative aspects of walking. For Melinda, Input is active as she wanders along the track in conversation, listening to the perspectives of others.

Getting perspective on our daily lives is often the side effect of our preferred ‘play’ activity. We love hearing about and nurturing our Coaching clients’ chosen activities to achieve this. 

We regularly share photos of our hiking adventures to practice what we preach in our Coaching sessions. These visual memories transport us back to those moments of tranquillity, simplicity, and physical exertion. The pictures remind us of the rejuvenating effects of nature and our chosen ‘play’ activity. These tangible prompts act fast, they’re an effective way to recharge even when we can’t physically be on the trail. 

Do you ever use photos or images to prompt and restore balance? Follow us on Instagram to see us keep trying to fill our buckets and find some balance! 

Hiking balance