We’ve got a question for you. In one sentence, tell us…

What’s right with you?

Can you answer it? It’s a question we’ve often asked ourselves during decades of working with people. Although, to be honest, we’ve probably agonised over it more as individuals! It’s not the way this question is usually framed, is it? We tend to ask the flip side of this coin and wonder what’s wrong with you???

We know how to get the answer to that one. Our problems and faults are so easily diagnosed and labelled and wallowed in. The opinions about our personal flaws are usually unsolicited, often well-intentioned, and… always hurtful.

Introducing Feel. Lead. Be. Better. with Adapted Consulting.

Melinda Charlesworth and Melissa Silk have been colleagues, friends and fellow students of ‘what makes people tick’ for over twenty years now. Our shared conviction that people are unique and fascinating led us to fields of study focusing on psychology and communication. Finding another way to bring out the best in people became our primary purpose because we believe in the power of individual strengths.

We’ve applied that knowledge as clinicians, counsellors and coaches to interactions with clients, staff and, yes, family and friends, and over the years found some really interesting things about what matters. What matters is knowing the natural preferences that make each of us unique. What makes a difference is spending time growing those talents into personal strengths. And what transforms every one of us is applying those strengths to be the very best we can be; in any job and profession, in any workplace, in any endeavour we come to face.

We think every person is a star. And every star shines brighter and brighter with a regular investment of time, energy and some personal pride. How is your star looking these days? Could it do with a bit of a polish?

We support people who work with people to Feel. Lead. Be. Better. Our programs are created using our combined knowledge from years of work and study in the Health and Human Services professions and are now also underpinned by the Gallup Institute’s CliftonStrengthsTM model. 

Sign up for our news and find out more about our flagship programs. The Autumn intake is open now. Don’t miss out on your chance to know What’s Right With You!